

Please follow the guidelines and choose the right option for you.

Ordering a Repeat Prescription

When you order a prescription online, you can have it sent electronically to a pharmacy of your choice. This is called a nomination.

Learn how to nominate a pharmacy

Ways to order

Please note that we do not take prescription requests over the phone.

You can collect your prescription from reception two working days (excluding weekends and bank/local holidays), after making your request. We will post it if you supply a stamped, addressed envelope. Local chemists also provide a very efficient collection service.

Periodically, you may be asked to come for a review of your medication with our pharmacist or one of the GPs. Watch out for a note in your prescription.

We cannot issue medication prescribed at hospitals unless we have a legible document, usually a discharge letter, giving specific details about the new medication.

Medication Queries

Please get in touch with the surgery to raise a query about your medication.

Contact us

Prescriptions Charges and Exemptions

Extensive exemption and remission arrangements protect those likely to have difficulty in paying charges (NHS prescription and dental charges, optical and hospital travel costs).

The NHS prescription charge is a flat-rate amount which successive Governments have thought it reasonable to charge for those who can afford to pay for their medicines. Prescription prepayment certificates (PPCs) offer real savings for people who need extensive medication.

When going abroad you can take your NHS medications with you.

Please visit the NHS website for the latest Prescription Charges

These charges apply in England only. In Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales prescriptions are free of charge.

Further Information

Find a Pharmacy

Use the NHS Pharmacy finder to locate pharmacies near you.

Find a pharmacy

About pharmacists

As qualified healthcare professionals, pharmacists can offer advice on minor illnesses such as:

  • coughs
  • colds
  • sore throats
  • tummy trouble
  • aches and pains

They can also advise on medicine that you can buy without a prescription.

Safe Inhaler Disposal

Did you know?

  • When your pressurised metered dose inhaler is empty it still contains propellants that are powerful greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming.
  • Help reduce global warming - return your used aerosol inhalers to your pharmacy for environmentally safe disposal.
  • You don't have to order your inhalers every month if you already have enough stock.

What do I need to do?

  1. Always check your inhaler stock, before you order more.
  2. Only tick or request the inhalers you will run low on in the next month. 
  3. It's ok to order your inhalers at different intervals. 
    • You may run low at different times due to how often you use them and the number of doses they contain. 
  4. Return your used or unwanted inhalers to the pharmacy for environmentally safe disposal.

Electronic Prescription Service

The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) sends electronic prescriptions from GP surgeries to pharmacies. Eventually EPS will remove the need for most paper prescriptions.

Learn more about the Electronic Prescription Service

Electronic Repeat Dispensing

Learn about the benefits of Electronic Repeat Dispensing and how to set it up.

Learn more about Electronic Repeat Dispensing